PRO MMA Fighter Strength & Conditioning Workout


I have been visiting Tristar Gym in Montreal every Tuesday indefinitely to be part of Aiemann Zahabi's fight camp for his UFC fight in May. After my sparring session last Tuesday, I dropped by pro fighter Xavier Alaoui's gym, 360 Punch, for a strength & conditioning session. I was obviously very tired after my session at Tristar, so forgive me for my lack of technique! Nonetheless, it's a very effective and tough workout that some of the pros use! Below is the workout breakdown: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Warm up ā€ØExercise 1: Step in, step out (with resistance bands around ankles and knees)

Exercise 2: Wide walk (with resistance bands around ankles and knees) Exercise 3: Side walk (with resistance bands around ankles and knees)

Circuit 1

Exercise 1: One leg box step up (8-10 reps with a vest, followed by 6 explosive jump reps with no vest)

Exercise 2: Wall ball throw (6 reps as hard as you can)

Exercise 3: Farmer's carry with one arm and rack carry with the other arm (walk down a hall and back)

Exercise 4: Stir the pot clockwise (10 reps), stir the pot counter clockwise (10 reps), and ab rollouts (10 reps) Rest 1-3 minutes, repeat circuit 1 for 2-3 more sets, for a total of 3-4 sets Rest 1-2 minutes before beginning circuit 2


Circuit 2

Exercise 1: Box jumps (6-10 reps)

Exercise 2: Speed footwork (feet in, feet out)

Exercise 3: Bear crawl to ground & pound (with resistance band) Rest 1-3 minutes, repeat circuit 2 for 2 more sets, for a total of 3 sets Rest 1-2 minutes before beginning circuit 3


Circuit 3

Exercise 1: Bike sprint (30-45 seconds)

Exercise 2: Battle ropes (30-45 seconds)

Exercise 3: Shadowboxing (30-45 seconds) Rest 1-3 minutes, repeat circuit 3 for 2 more sets, for a total of 3 sets


50% Complete

Two Step

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